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International Lawyer

Legal Counsel

NPL Asset Manager

Rome, Italy


 Copyright and Intellectual Property, Contracts, Bank Law, Negotiation, Asset Management, No Performing Loan,  Due Diligence, Credit and Risk Analysis, Enforcement Procedures, Immigration Issue and International Law



In the Press


"Italian media Mogul sues Google over YouTube clips, but Google denies wrongdoing" - "Elettronic Commerce & Law report - BNA - August 6, 2008


"File sharing efficacy of Italian law permitting some low resolution MP3 transfers challenged" - "Elettronic Commerce & Law report - BNA - February 13, 2008

"What's in a name? A lot for one Georgia city" -"The Hollywood Reporter" - October 16, 2008

"The Bully Pulpit" - "Global Journalist" - Winter 2009

"Claudio Paselli, scoop su George Leonard del Grande Fratello 10. Il suo sogno e' l'Isola dei famosi" - "Hello People Magazine" - March 8, 2010

"Esclusiva: querela per George Leonard, il "principe" del Grande Fratello pagherà' 500.000 euro?" - "" - March 3, 2010

"How Italian media censorship works" - "GlobalPost" - March 27, 2010

"Diritto d'autore" - "Radio Kiss Kiss Roma" - November 5, 2010

"Italian Producer De Laurentiis Threatens $16 Billion Lawsuit for Inaction Against Piracy" - "The Hollywood Reporter" - April 17, 2013

"New appeal verdicts due in Amanda Knox Trial" - "USA Today" - January 30, 2014


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